Fans Part II is a mixed media installation featuring an altered movie trailer for “Fight Club” in which all visual content was blacked out, except for Brad Pitt. Accompanying the trailer is an interview with the trailer’s mastermind by a fictitious talk show host named Lee Olds. A series of photos highlight the behind the scene of the talk show.
Withstandley painstakingly rendered video projection in which everything but Brad Pitt's image is digitally extracted from the trailer for the 1998 film Fight Club. The video is combined with the sound of the artist being interviewed about the process of creating the video and photographs that appear to document this discussion. A dissonance develops between the dry analysis of the interview and the hyperadrenalized soundtrack of the altered trailer. Withstandley uses this tension to contrast mainstream cinema's sensationalistic sexuality (in terms of identification and objectification) and the more cognitive and theoretical approach of art making.
Fans Part II, video installation, 2001